amazin place of world
Banaue Rice Terraces (Philippines)
The Banaue Rice Terraces are 2000-year old terraces that were carved into the mountains of Ifugao in the Philippines by ancestors of the indigenous people. The Rice Terraces are commonly referred to by Filipinos as the "Eighth Wonder of the World". It is commonly thought that the terraces were built with minimal equipment, largely by hand. The terraces are located approximately 1500 meters (5000 ft) above sea level and cover 10,360 square kilometers (about 4000 square miles) of mountainside. They are fed by an ancient irrigation system from the rainforests above the terraces. It is said that if the steps are put end to end it would encircle half the globe. Read more after the break...
The Banaue terraces are part of the Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras, ancient sprawling man-made structures from 2,000 to 6,000 years old. They are found in the provinces of Kalinga, Apayao, Benguet, Mountain Province and Ifugao, and are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Locals to this day still plant rice and vegetables on the terraces, although more and more younger Ifugaos do not find farming appealing, often opting for the more lucrative hospitality industry generated by the Rice Terraces. The result is the gradual erosion of the characteristic "steps", which need constant reconstruction and care.
Ajanta caves(india)
AJANTA is world's greatest historical monument recognised by UNESCO located just 40kms from Jalgaon city of Maharashtra, India. There are 30 caves in Ajanta of which 9, 10, 19, 26 and 29 are chaitya-grihas and the rest are monasteries. These caves were discovered in AD 1819 and were built up in the earlier 2nd century BC-AD. Most of the paintings in Ajanta are right from 2nd century BC-AD and some of them about the fifth century AD and continued for the next two centuries. All paintings shows heavy religious influence and centre around Buddha, Bodhisattvas, incidents from the life of Buddha and the Jatakas. The paintings are executed on a ground of mud-plaster in the tempera technique.Conjures before one's vision, a dream of beauty- of caves, hidden in the midst of a lonely glen with a streamlet flowing down below, caves that were scooped out into the heart of the rock so that the pious Buddhist monk, out on mission to spread the tenets of Buddhism could dwell and pray, caves that the followers of Lord Buddha, embellished with architectural details with a skilful command of the hammer over the chisel, with sculpture of highest craftsmanship and above all, with the paintings of infinite charm.
At Ajanta, the paintings on the walls, illustrate the events in the life of prince Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism and in the more popular Jatakas stories pertaining to Buddha's previous incarnation. According to the older conceptions, the Buddha wrought many deeds of kindness and mercy in a long series of transmigration as a Bodhisattva, before achieving his final birth as the sage of sakyas.
Incidentally they contain the scenes of semi-mythological history, the royal court and popular life of the ancient times, as told in romances and plays. Some pictures recall the Greek and Roman compositions and proportions, few late resemble to Chinese manners to some extent. But majority belongs to a phase, which is purely Indian, as they are found nowhere else. These monuments were constructed during two different periods of time separated by a long interval of four centuries. The older ones were the product of last to centuries before Christ and belong to Hinayana period of Buddhism in later part of 2nd century AD when Buddhism was divided into two sections, after the conduct of the fourth general council under another great king, Kanishka.
पोखरामा नेपाली २ बर्षिये बालक को माईकल ज्याक्सन नृत्य, गिनिज बुकमा दर्ता गराउन प्रयास
नेपालको सुन्दर नगरि पोखरामा भएको मिस्टर हेन्ड्साम प्रतियोगीतामा माईकल ज्याक्सन फ्यान क्लबबाट २ बर्षिया बालक केविन नेपालीले किङ अफ पपको नक्कल गर्दा दर्शकहरु अचम्म परेका छन।
केविन नेपाली या पोखरेली सानो ज्याक्सन भनेर प्राय एफ एम र पत्रिमा नाम आउने उक्त बालक को हो ? भन्ने धेरैले जिज्ञास राखेको डान्स टिचर तथा क्लबका सचिब एलबिन नेपालीले बताउछन। केविन नेपाली हाल सम्म आमाको दूध खान्छन। बेलुका सुत्ने बेलामा र बिहान उठ्ने बित्तिकै ज्याकसनको गीत नभै हुँदैन। उनले हाल सम्म गरेको नृत्यको , पत्र पत्रीकाको आधारमा संसारको सानो माईकल ज्याक्सन नृत्यकार तथा फ्यान भनेर गिनिज बुकमा दर्ता गराउन प्रयासमा वार्ड निकायले सिफरिस बनाई दिसकेका छन। दर्ताका लागी पठाएको CLAIM ID: 287308 - MEMBERSHIP ID: 253056 रहेको छ। उनको पहिलो नृत्य भने २३ महिना को छदाको रेकार्ड पठाईएको छ । उक्त मिस्टर हेन्ड्साममा एलबिन नेपाली र रीमाले बिली जिन तथा कालो टोपीको रेमिक्समा उत्कृष्ट नाच प्रस्तुत गरेका थिए । उक्त क्लब ८ महिना पहिला दर्ता भएपनी औपचारिक दर्ता हालै मात्र भएको छ।
about Mount Everest.(सगरमाथा )
"Everest" redirects here. For other uses, see Everest (disambiguation)."Chomolungma" redirects here. For the song of this name, see Alan Parsons.Mount EverestSagarmāthā
Everest from Kala Patthar in Nepal Elevation 8,848 m (29,029 ft) [1]Ranked 1st Prominence 8,848 m (29,029 ft) Notice special definition for Everest. Listing Seven SummitsEight-thousanderCountry high pointUltra Location Mount EverestLocation within Nepal on the Nepal–China border Location Solukhumbu District, Sagarmatha Zone, Nepal
Tingri County, Xigazê Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region, People's Republic of China[2]
Range Mahalangur Himal, Himalayas
Coordinates 27°59′17″N 86°55′31″E / 27.98806°N 86.92528°E / 27.98806; 86.92528Coordinates: 27°59′17″N 86°55′31″E / 27.98806°N 86.92528°E / 27.98806; 86.92528 [3] Climbing First ascent 29 May 1953Edmund HillaryTenzing Norgay Easiest routeSouth Col (Nepal) Location on Earth Mount Everest relief map Mount Everest - also called Qomolangma Peak (Tibetan: ཇོ་མོ་གླང་མ), Mount Sagarmāthā (Nepali: सगरमाथा), Chajamlungma (Limbu), Zhumulangma Peak (Chinese: 珠穆朗玛峰 Zhūmùlǎngmǎ Fēng) or Mount Chomolungma - is the highest mountain on Earth above sea level, and the highest point on the Earth's continental crust, as measured by the height above sea level of its summit, 8,848 metres (29,029 ft). The mountain, which is part of the Himalaya range in Asia, is located on the border between Sagarmatha Zone, Nepal, and Tibet, China.

प्रेम दिवस विस्वभर नै
फेब्रुअरी १४ तारिखका दिन प्रेमको प्रतिकको रुपमा मनाइने “भालेन्टाइन डे” अर्थात प्रेम दिवस विस्वभर नै आकर्षणको केन्द्रबिन्दुको रुपमा रहँदै आएको पाइन्छ बिशेषत: युवा बर्गको बीच । यो क्रिस्चियन समुदायमा इ. सं. ४९६ मा पोप गेलसिअसले शुरुवात गरेको देखिन्छ र परंपरागत रुपमा प्रेमी प्रेमिकाहरुले एकापसमा फूल प्रदान गरेर, चकलेट दिएर र कार्ड पठाएर प्रेम ब्यक्त गर्ने गरिन्थ्यो भने अहिलेको आधुनिक बिस्वमा बिशेषत: मुटुको आकारको चिन्ह, पखेटा सहितका बच्चाहरुलाई “भ्यालेनटाइन डे” को प्रतिकको रुपमा प्रयोग गर्ने गरेको पाईन्छ । उन्नाइसौं शताब्दीदेखि अत्यधिक मात्रामा उत्पादन गरिएका पोस्ट कार्डहरुमा लेखेर प्रेमी प्रेमिकाहरुलाई दिने प्रचलन शुरु भएको देखिन्छ
। प्रेम नै यो सुन्दर सृस्टिको आधार भएको कारण यो कुनै जाती, बर्ग, समुदाय, लिंग आदिमा

प्रेम साहित्य र कलाको एउटा अत्यन्तै महत्वपूर्ण पक्ष हो र यी दुबैबाट प्रेमलाई निकालिदिने बित्तिकै त्यो कि त लंगडो बन्छ कि त मुर्कुट्टा । प्रेमबारेको प्रस्तुतिको स्वरुप र प्रकृति भने साहित्यकार र कलाकारमा भर पर्छ र बुझाई पनि भिन्न भिन्न हुन सक्छ दर्शक र पाठक अनुसार । इतिहासले के देखाउँछ भने अत्यन्तै प्रतिकूल एबं समस्याग्रस्त समयमा ठूला ठूला साहित्यकारहरु र अत्यन्तै महत्वपूर्ण साहित्यिक कृतिहरुको जन्म भएको छ । किनकि साहित्यिकारहरु स्वभाबैले सामाजिक बिकृति, बिसंगति, अस्तब्यस्तता सहन गर्न नसक्ने स्वभाबका हुने भएकाले समस्या जति जति बिकराल बन्दै जान्छ त्यति त्यति नै साहित्यकारहरुबाट सिर्जित सिर्जनाहरु सशक्त हुँदै जान्छन । अत: समाजमा ब्याप्त यस किसिमका असंगति र बिसंगतिपूर्ण वाताबरण साहित्यिक बिकासको लागि अत्यन्तै उर्बराभूमिको रुपमा मानिने गरिन्छ । त्यस किसिमको वातावरणमा रहेर बिद्यमान सामाजिक बिकृति, बिसंगति, अस्तब्यस्तताका बिरुद्ध कलात्मक तवरले जे जस्ता असन्तुस्टी, बिरोध गर्छन् त्यो बहुसंख्यक मानिस, समाज, देश र भावी सन्ततिप्रतिको अगाध प्रेमको परिणति हो ।
Retired scientific photographer Steve Gschmeissner
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यो मेरो कक्ष १ देखी १० सम्म पढेको स्कुल हो यो स्कुल पुतली बजार नगर पालिक word no _9 मा पर्छ हाम्रो घर देखी यो स्कुलमा जान कम्तिमा पनि ३०मिनेट लाग्छ यो स्कुल धेरै रमाइलो place मा छयो स्कुल को education पनि एकदमै राम्रो छ जब बाट यो स्कुल मा +2 कोstudey हुन लाग्यो तेसबेला देखी यो स्कुल ले 90 % student हरुलाई S.L.C exam मा pass गराएकोछ यो स्कुल स्याङ्जा जिल्लाकै पक्कि भबन हो